Commercial applications

Commercial thermal applications

The TRS system is intended for small, medium-sized and larger companies who have on one hand a need for cooling (eg: cold rooms, refrigerated display case) and on the other hand a need for heating water.

By recovering the maximum amount of rejected heat from the refrigeration unit a TRS system can heat significant quantities of water and dramatically reduce energy costs. Suitable for:-

  • Hotels
  • Bakeries
  • Fast Food outlets
  • Catering industries
  • Large Kitchens
  • Hospitals
  • Butcher shops
  • Restaurants

Estimate the volume of water that can be heated…

TRS system TRS system to reduce energy costs


Heat Recovery Comparison.

Hotel- Sample

Required maximum water temperature 63
Required quantity of hot water per day 1000

Without Heat Recovery

Average cold water temperature °C 18 Number of Litres heated per 24 hrs 1000
Off Peak electricity cost ($ /kWhr) 0.2 Ground Water temperature °C 18
Number of days dairy operated per year 360 Required temperature °C 63
Off Peak Electricity costs c/kWhr 0.2
kWhrs required daily to heat your water 52.34
Cost per day  $             10.47
Tons of CO² per year with current use 24.49 Cost per year before Heat Recovery  $       3,768.30
Tons of CO² per year after heat recovery 4.35
Savings of CO² (tons per year) 20.14
Percentage of CO² reduction per year 82.22%

With Heat Recovery

Number of Litres heated per 24 hrs 1000
Water temp in Heat Recovery buffer tank 55
Required temperature °C 63
Off Peak Electricity costs c/kWhr 0.2
kWhrs required daily to heat your water 9.30
Cost per day  $               1.86
Cost per year after Heat Recovery  $ 669.92
Savings over one year @ current power costs
 $       3,098.38
Savings in percentage over one year

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